Scenarios Where an Inspection is Helpful

Coordinate Measuring Machine inspections, or CMM inspections, is the process through which a machine is used to measure dimensions of some object large or small to get very precise measurements. Over the past decade, the need for extremely accurate measurements has become increasingly necessary. Manufacturers are pushing efficiency forward, but as a result, also creating stricter tolerances for errors and deformities in the parts used.

There is a large number of industries for which a CMM inspection is likely to be used. Take for example the aerospace industry, the tight restrictions have generated a need for extremely accurate measurements in the parts used. Some of the parts used are extremely large. The effort needed to measure these pieces is immense and requires a large amount of time. From the efforts used to get the part into a position where it can be measured by human means to the need to do each measurement multiple times to attempt to compensate for human error, the time needs are great. Some parts may not even be moveable and the demands to be able to physically measure unsafe or nearly impossible.

In this and similar scenarios, a portable CMM can be brought in and used for taking the measurements. With a portable CMM, there is no need to move most large parts and measurements can be taken with the part in place. In addition, the machine’s accuracy and speed far exceed that of the measurements that would be taken by hand. The electronic measurements are even capable of accurately measuring the depth of even very small changes in the surfaces of the part. Modern technology even allows the results of the measurement to be interpreted by the CMM to be returned in a very short period of time. The money saved in time, efforts, and labor easily outpace the cost of having a CMM inspection done.

Another scenario to look at is on the other scale where parts are extremely small or thin. Gear, in particular, these days are being made smaller, thinner, and more precisely. Here, it becomes necessary to check the gears for accuracy, but care must be taken to not deform, bend, or otherwise warp the part during the measuring process because again, the tighter tolerances demand higher accuracy in measurement. Doing this by hand makes it extremely difficult to not cause these distortions that can go outside allowed ranges. The amount of accuracy required is also challenging to deliver by hand. A CMM is able to take these measurements without touching or only lightly touching the parts. They also make taking measurements of a large number of parts much faster and easier as well as some CMM are able to even do batch measurements to maintain quality control.

These are just a couple of examples of where an inspection is helpful. A CMM inspection can also be used for verifying molds and castings, taking measurements for reverse engineering applications, planning projects, and creating CAD or other drawings to name a few more. Buying, upkeep, and learning to use a CMM is costly, so many companies find that ordering an inspection from a contractor with trained experts and meticulously maintained machines is much more cost effective. To find out more about how a CMM inspection can assist in making your process more efficient and cost-effective, contact the experts today at Engineered Mechanical Systems today.
